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"Tortured For Christ"

Father, Son, Spirit; Be though my vision of Lord of my heart. 

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,” (Romans 1:16)

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,” (2Timothy 1:8-10)

A group of us from ODC went last night and saw the movie “Tortured For Christ.”  It was shown only last night, at one time across the country.  It was the true story  of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.  He was a Lutheran pastor in Romania in 1947 when the Soviet Union under Stalin took over the country and outlawed Christianity and atheism became the national religion.  He helped lead an underground church until he was caught and spent 14 years being tortured in prison for his faith.  It was a powerful and convicting movie that cut to the core of faith.  As Richard said, “Did I believe in God? Now the test had come. I was alone. There was no salary to earn, no golden opinions to consider. God offered me only suffering—would I continue to love Him?” (RW)

There were so many powerful quotes by Richard Wurmbrand (RW) in this movie.  My blog today is a collection of his quotes tied together with my reflections.

“We should never stop at having won a soul for Christ.  By this, we have done only half the work.  Every soul won for Christ must be made to be a soul winner.” (RW)  To this I say amen! Jesus’ strategy was to “train and release” people, as was the apostle Paul’s.  To win them over to Christ and then to send them out to be soul winners.  The church today’s strategy is to “convert and retain.” To win them to Christ then to make a church comfortable and create programs to retain them. This leads to persons to believe they are not “soul winners” or not bold enough or outgoing enough to be soul winners.  That is a lie.  Our boldness is not based in us but in God and his boldness is limitless. “We are all little Davids.  But we are stronger than the goliaths of atheism, because God is on our side.” (RW) 

“If a Christian believed that his neighbor will be tortured in all eternity in hell, he should try day and night to persuade him to repent and believe.  How sad this does not happen.” (RW)   Again, Why don’t Christians who attend church regularly today have this conviction towards their neighbors, co-workers, classmates, and friends?  “We were told by Jesus to go make disciples but we often just sit and make excuses” (RW)

Almost all the people in a church service if asked if they believed in Christ to stand and be recognized would be standing.  However, To believe in Him is not such a great thing. To become like Him is truly great.” (RW)  That is discipleship.

“The supernatural things have become the natural things in the underground church.  Whoever has known the spiritual beauty of the Under­ground Church cannot be satisfied anymore with the emptiness of some Western churches. I suffer in the West more than I suffered in a Communist jail because now I see with my own eyes Western civilization dying.” (RW) Christ have merry, Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

“God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love.”(RW)  Richard in his small town and while in prison only had a small number of people he could love.  Even Paul, in his journeys and his travels had a limited number of people to love.  We today, with our resources, mobility, social media connections, and others communications have many times over the connection to people we could love.   If we will be judged by how much we love, and we have almost unlimited connections to love people through them, why are we loving so little? 

My family, as you prepare to walk out your door this morning, think about this question. “Where do your steps lead? We think about the traces Abraham’s walk left.  After thousands of years Judaism, Christianity, and Islam still walk these steps.  Winds and floods could not wipe them away.  Paul walked in the bloodstained steps of Christ in self-sacrifice.   For two thousand years Christians would follow his example. Be careful of your steps.  You will not be the only ones to walk in them.” (RW) When you walk out your door, are you walking in love?

And think about this question, “Are you seeking Jesus? Where have you been looking for Him? As you begin your day, think through the various places you will be and the people you will be with; and envision Jesus standing next to you in each of those places.” (RW)  Your soul was won for Christ, will you now be a Soul Winner?  Please pray the same for me.  God bless you my friends!

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC 


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