Good morning Lord Jesus, Father and Spirit, where ever you are that is where I want to be, so lead me to you this morning.
Today as in day 8 of our 30 Day Discipleship Challenge, we again look at obedience. Why? because obedience is at the core of discipleship and the Christian life. Their are two Latin words we use to describe areas of Christian life: orthodoxy, and orthopraxy. Orthodoxy is when one has the true, accepted, and correct understanding of God. Orthopraxy is when one's conduct, behavior, and daily life conforms to the correct and true biblical calling. You life reflects the life of Christ.
Most Christians have a higher Orthodoxy, understanding and "head knowledge" of God and Jesus, than they do Orthopraxy, being obedient and conform their actions to that knowledge. The class room settings of Sunday morning church and Sunday schools give us head knowledge of Jesus, but do not give us hands on training in obeying God. So if Sunday morning church service is the extent of a person’s church experience, they will not experience the fullness of their faith.
Satan has perfect Orthodoxy. He has a perfect and complete understanding of who the true God is. On a scale of 1-10 his Orthodoxy is a 10. Satan has a perverted Orthopraxy. there is no true obedience in him, He is the father of lies, when he speaks he lies, his life example is the opposite of Christ and on a scale of 1-10 his Orthoptaxy would be a negative 10.
Orthopraxy + Orthodoxy= Christian Life, a Disciple of Christ. Your obedience level to God, must equal your head knowledge of God.
Link to day 13 Challenge:
This Sunday at Toney UMC we have our 10:00am service. Afterwards we are having a pot-luck lunch to get to know each other. Then we are going out and prayer walking our neighborhoods to get to know our neighbors. and practice sharing out testimonies. You are welcomed to join us. Or plan your own day out in the neighborhoods around your church.
If you would like more information, coaching, or mentoring on Discipleship, please contact me Gary Liederbach at