One Direction Community

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"How Long?"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You’re here in my heart, here in my life, here in every moment of my day -- “always with (me)” (Matthew 28:20). In You, I “live and move and have (my) being” (Acts 17:28). ...

“How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?

    How long will You hide Your face from me?

How long must I bear pain in my soul

    and have sorrow in my heart all day long?

How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

Consider and answer me, O Lord my God!

    Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

and my enemy will say, ‘I have prevailed’;

    my foes will rejoice because I am shaken” (Psalm 13:1-4).

In the aftermath of massacres, in the throes of wars, in the destruction of plagues, in the scarcity of famines, in the instability of financial insecurity, in the confusion of cultural chaos, and in the insanity of the destruction of moral standards, we can begin to ask Why? and Where are You? and How long?

It's ok to ask the questions. It’s ok to express our griefs and sorrows, our frustration and disappointments. You’re big enough to handle our questions. You’re loving enough to allow us to vent out our thoughts and feelings. I’m reminded of those very kinds of expressions from the heart of David:

And at the same time, I’m also reminded of how Your Spirit would lead David to turn his questions of You back to his trust in You, reminding him of Your faithfulness through every tragedy and battle and disappointment of his life, as he continued to express his heart in that same Psalm:

“But I trusted in Your steadfast love;

    my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord

    because He has dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:5-6).

He didn’t ignore his pain or deny his questions. But he also didn’t get stuck there. He remembered Your faithfulness in his past and embraced Your Presence in his present. In the midst of all his questions, he chose to “rejoice in Your salvation” and “sing” of Your steadfast love and bountiful mercies.

You shifted his perspective. And in the shifting, You didn’t change the facts of his world at the moment, but You did change the effect of their influence on his soul.

O my soul, with a heart like David, I choose to lift up my heart to the Lord.

O my Lord, just like You did for David, shift my perspective. Remind me of Your faithfulness, refocus me on Your Presence with me right now in the present, and reassure me You’re always with me and leading me into the unfolding fullness of Your steadfast love and bountiful mercies.

And I pray the same for all who need that heart by Your grace, that heart like David, through whatever they’re going through today. It’s ok to ask the questions, as Your Spirit leads us to the One who is the Answer. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My family, may you be free to ask your questions, to express your thoughts and feelings to the Lord who leads you by His Spirit to the One who is the Answer, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the Comments Box below..

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

My wife Nancyare in a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this season in my life and that of my family. Please partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.  Thank You