One Direction Community

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Smoking Turkeys For Community Thanksgiving Day Meals

On Sunday November 19th we will again for the 10th year gather and smoke 70 turkeys and pull the meat off them to be used in Huntsville Downtown Rescue Mission’s Community Thanksgiving meals served to people in Huntsville and Madison who would not otherwise have a Thanksgiving meal.  

We would love for your help and partnership in our community outreach!  Here is how!

1. Pray! My daily prayer is "Lord. please send us the ones no one else wants."  Please pray our simple outreach of food will not only physically feed those experiencing physical hunger, but also form a connection where we can impact their Spiritual hunger with the Gospel of Grace in Christ Jesus.

2. Donate a turkey!  Every donation of $20.00 enables us to buy a turkey to smoke and use in Thanksgiving meals! Click the "Donate" link below to donate, or send checks payable to ODC to: P.O. Box 1293 Madison Al, 35758.  All donations are tax deductible.  Thank you!

Come serve: Help us smoke and pull meat from Turkeys on the 19th!

*We will start at 8:00am firing up smoker, unwrapping turkeys, removing necks and giblets, applying dry rub and loading half the turkeys into smoker by 9:00pm. We need 8 -10 people for this hour.

*From 9:00-2:00pm we are tending smokers. At 11:30am we will unload first batch of turkeys and put into coolers and  put in second batch. Myself and another couple people can do this.

*2:00-4:00 is when we set up tables and pull all the meat from the cooked turkeys and put into aluminum pans that will go into the service line to feed people going through getting a meal. We need the most people for this time.

You are welcomed to hang out all day. However, we really need the most people in the beginning 8:00am-9:00am prepping all the turkeys, and the last 2 hours, 2:00pm-4:00pm to pull meat from all the turkeys which takes the longest. So you can come in the morning and leave and come back in the afternoon, or just serving one time would be great.  
All are welcomed to come help serve. Invite your family and friends!

We will smoke and pull the turkeys in front of our house located at 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison.

 What to bring:

No telling yet what the weather will be like that day, it could be cold or warm.  We will be outside all the time so dress for the weather.

 Bring an apron if you  have one, and wear clothes you do not mind getting turkey on them!

 A knife and carving fork if you have one.

 A love to help your neighbors!

 Let me know if you have any questions!

Gary and Nancy  Liederbach

Click on this link below to go to the Facebook Event page and sign up to come!

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC