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"Your Family Needs Your Prayers"

Good morning Lord Jesus fill me with the power of your presence so I can impact today with the power of my presence.

Last week I was blessed to be able to spend a week on vacation with my wife and two daughters.  With the chaos of life, it was the first time in over 2 years I was able to do so. It was a blessing to have an extended period of time to listen to my daughters, and hear and learn deeper of what and where they are now in life.  In these extended conversations where we were able to talk and share about our lives.  And it gave my wife and I as we listened to our daughters and greater understood their accomplishments and challenges, opportunities to pour into them out of our experience and faith and speak into their lives.  It gave us clarity on the current inner realities of each other and how to specifically pray over our family. 

I have invested in, pastored and help lead many churches and ministries, however the most important church I will ever need to invest in is a church of four members: myself, my wife, and my two daughters. Because if I fail in leading that church of 4 people, it will haunt me more than failings of leading churches and ministries of hundreds.

 I believe for any church to press deeper into our calling, grow stronger together and grow our ministries together as a church family in Christ, we must first strengthen and grow our personal families in Christ.  I strongly believe in the importance of all of our call to be part of and lead houses churches, Band groups, and other small groups. However, as important as these groups are, the most important small group we are part of and are called to lead is our family.  As I begin the first Monday back after my vacation, “Back to the real world”, I want to focus my prayers and your prayers and reflections today on your family.

Pray for clarity and how to specifically pray over the real physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual needs of the members of your family.  If you are honestly not sure of what these are, pray for the opportunity  and space to learn them.

Pray and reflect for a moment how your living out your faith has affected, and more important, is affecting your family: spouse, sons and daughters, parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, cousins.  

Reflect on: How do you share your faith with your family? Pray that you may witness to those in your family more bolder.  Pray for the faith of your family. Spend your time at lunch praying over your family.  Plan to spend a day this week fasting in prayer over your family. 

In areas of conflict and division in your family, Pray that peace and reconciliation in your family may occur, and the presence and Spirit of Christ may break through these divisions, bond you, instill forgiveness, acceptance and respect and heal all that divides you.

Pray a prayer of thanks over family members, who like go of their way on your behalf, and currently pray and minister to you and allow you to be where you are in Christ today.     

Pray for the forming of a sturdy covering of prayer over your family, your home and your relationship with them.  Pray your home can be encouraging to each of you individually, where real conversations and learning take place, and that your home and can be an outpost of the kingdom of God. 

Pray over ways you can engage your family and together as a family to serve and share the love of Christ with those in your community. You are called to encourage your family to love God and also love their neighbor.

Pray that your church, The Church, will become an even stronger family bound by prayer that stands up for and supports each other, serves Christ together, and proclaims the gospel together.

My family, I pray the Holy Spirit will lead you in prayer over what immediate action you need to take today. Perhaps make plans to share this message with your family to open a conversation with them and pray with them.  Call at least one family member today and let them know you love them and are praying over them, Jesus name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

Please share your comments and reflections on my post in the comment box below.

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I could use your financial support for One Direction Community and my family to jump down into the pits and help lift up those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please commitment to partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.   Thank You!!


Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at

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 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



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