One Direction Community

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30 day Challenge: Day 1

One Direction Community is spending the month of August taking a 30 day challenge. We would love for you to spend the time together with us!  Invite your circle of friends to join you!  You can sign up at:  This will give you a direct access to daily links.

For the challenge: Daily:  Go to link for that day of challenge, read daily Bible passage and commentary, watch the 3-4 minute video, and spend time in prayer.

Weekly: spend one day a week fasting in prayer overcoming a deeper disciple of Christ.

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

Today is the first day of the challenge.  You are asked to reach out and ask another person with the gift of prayer to prayer you daily to keep you on track daily in the challenge.  The video explains the basis of discipleship, the resistance of Satan to you completing this challenge of becoming a disciple, and House Churches.  The video calls House Churches, Disciple Bible Studies. 

Here is the link to today's challenge:  

Please post any reflections you have during this process as a comment on this conversations blog page for all to discuss.