We launched One Direction Community (ODC) to be just that, a community of house churches that meets in homes, restaurants, laundromats, flea markets, apartments and other locations in the Madison-Huntsville, Al area. We believe we can more effectively reach our city through a network of reproducing churches. We are a real community of real imperfect people, who gather in simple house churches and around dinner tables.  We are building connections, a family of faith that actually knows and cares about its neighbors. We are organized and focused with the missional purpose to impact poverty and injustice and make disciples of Jesus. We are relationally and compassionately reaching out to those society who would label "un-churched"by living out Jesus' commandments to....Love God, Love our Neighbor, and Make Disciples.  (Mk 12:29-31; Mt 28:18-20)

ONE: One body of many diverse members with diverse gifts, for building up and strengthening that body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Ephesians 4:11-12).

ONE DIRECTION: All called to obediently follow Jesus as Lord, as his disciples, in imitation of him in the One Direction that leads to the cross. (Luke 14:27, Philippians 2:5-11)

ONE DIRECTION COMMUNITY: Living out our salvation in social holiness, missionally incarnated, in context, in Community, sent into our neighborhoods and unto the nations. (Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 28:18-20)


Reflecting on the Questions:

Am I a disciple worth multiplying?

If we moved out of our neighborhood would our neighbors mourn their loss?

To whom are we sent?

What do we want to be remembered for?