Good morning Lord Jesus, speaks words of peace into the quiet of my morning with you so I can speak peace into the chaos of the day to others.

“Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world”. (John 17:18).

Last night members of our house church ODC went to prayer walk the Park Place mall. We met in the food court and ordered food from the venders. The dinning area inside the mall was closed so we sat outside the mall and ate our meal. Afterwards we spent an hour prayer walking the mall. Every store owner we talked to and prayed with were so greatful and thankful we were there. We discovered the Mall itself is not closing, It is remaining open but saying individual stores can set their own hours. If the mall closes, store owners would not have to pay rent. So the mall is staying open so it can get its rent, but no one is coming into the malls, so store owners are struggling. Almost all the businesses closed before 7:00pm as the photo on this post shows taken at 7:00pm, the mall was empty.

When I posted we were going to the mall I had many people say we were crazy. I replied we are not crazy, we are Christians. We are supposed to exhibit crazy love. Paul tells us that things followers of Jesus do will seem foolish to society.. (1 Cor. 1:27). We did not do anything crazy. We used hand sanitizer after touching the door knobs, but we went and were a source of light and hope and calmness in our community that is covered in darkness, fear, and anxiety. Were we all at some type of risk of possibly getting the coronavirus. perhaps. But when Jesus told his disciples, “Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world”. He was not sending them out into “Mayberry” of the Andy Griffith show, he was sending them out into a world that all those hearing his words they knew would be hostile against them. They knew they were killing Christians, they just saw Jesus crucified, Jesus promised them they would experience suffering and told them to pick up their cross, and yet they went. If the worse thing that could happen to them was get a fever for two weeks they would have rejoiced! When Jesus said “Go” and make disciples he was not referring to “go” to a comfortable, safe, church building full of friendly, nice people who open doors for us, offer us friendly greetings, hand out cups of coffee, and place us in comfortable chairs. He was telling us to “go” , all-i reclessly into darkness and pain. If we say Jesus is better than anything, better than our life, and yet when push comes to shove we choose desires and dictates of our flesh over our faith. What does that say to the world? It is a hypothetical question, but say you were confronted with two choices and you had to choose one of them.. One, Witness to 3 people who did no know Jesus in the mall. As a result of the conversation they all would except Christ and enter into eternity with Him, but you would catch the coronavirus and die. Two, do not witness to them but then you would never lead a person to Christ as long as you were alive. Which one would you choose? Which choice at the end of your life would you look back and say your life had most meaning?

We have millions of brothers and sisters who are living out their faith today at this moment n real persecution and suffering. Where the chance and expectation of everyday is that by the end of that day they would be abused, beaten or killed. Yet they walk out their doors every morning and share their faith knowing this. How can I not when the realistic threat to me despite all the craziness is I may get sick for a couple weeks? And once I feel better I am immune to the virus and can do what I please.

Plus the fields are ripe for harvest now. It is in times of uncertainty and fear, not prosperty that peoples hearts are open to Jesus. When we walked up to people and they asked, Why are you here? or Why aren’t you afraid? it gave us the perfect opening to smile and tell them about Jesus.

The church I pastor is not having any in-person service for the next two weeks. Latter this evening I am going to go to my church and record an hour or so long worship service we will edit and put out Sunday morning on social media. It is a good thing we are doing to stay connected with our congregation. But what benefits the kingdom more, my recording for an hour or my prayer walking for an hour? I love all the people I will see tonight while recording it and all those who will watch it, but where will I most likely see Jesus and encounter His kingdom; in those conversations tonight with loved ones, or the conversations in the mall with strangers? One venue is “Safe” and make sense to the flesh, the other is “risky” and is crazy love.

If you are ever going to eat out, now is the time to do it and leave a big tip for your waitress. If you have birthdays coming up later in June, July, August or later, don’t wait until then but go to the stores now and buy the gifts as now is when your neighbors need your business.. Talk to the sales people, listen to the sales people, Be salt and light to your community.

My family, I pray you will hear the words of Jesus, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not let your hearts be distressed or lacking in courage”. (John 14:27). I pray you will have the courage today to “go” and be salt and light in this world. and exhibit crazy love, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

After I post this I am leaving my house and headed to the Waffle House to sit at the counter and talk to people. I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday morning.

Please share your thoughts and comments on my reflection in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

I would appreciate your prayer and also any support for support myself as we reach our neighbors with the gospel through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.  Thank You!


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