Good morning Lord Jesus, I seek over myself and this nation your peace that passes all understanding.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage - I have conquered the world.”” (John 16:33)

Yesterday morning I did my usual Monday morning routine.  I got up early and spent  an hour or so in Word and prayer writing my devotion blog.  Then head out to Publix to pick up the unsold bread and baked goods left from the weekend.  Then off to The Manna House and unloaded my truck of baked goods, and helped unload trucks, move pallets and prep the line for the food distribution and meal lines that people will go through that evening.  They were short on volunteers.  Allot of the people who volunteer for prepping, making PB&J and bologna sandwiches, sorting food and other tasks during the day are retired people.  And since the greatest fear from the coronavirus is to people of retirement age, they are not coming to serve now.  So I stayed longer to help.

When I was leaving around 12:30pm there were only 3 volunteers there, when there are usually at least 10 that time of day.  I knew when I left they would need help with the food line that evening so I did a few things I had to do and went back to Manna House around 3:00pm. The manna House serves meals from 4:00pm-6:30pm.  And when I got there at 3:00pm there was already a long line of people coming to get food.  I know we served close to 400 people last night, with short of volunteers, and we all worked hard but got everyone food and a meal.

One lady who volunteers regularly was going through the line making up a box of food.  Nothing unusual with that as many of those who serve there make up a box or two to take to a neighbor or somebody they know is needing food. I myself made up 12 boxes and delivered them to Waffle House waitresses I know who are struggling.  I asked her who she was making a box for and she paused, and then she said to me, “Now things are getting real.” “My husband got laid off last week, and I got laid off this week, so the box of food is for me.” Last week I was handing out food to people in need, and this week I am a person in need. 

And the “Now things are getting real” was evident as I looked at the people in the food line. With no prejudice at all, when I observed the line there were many who I know were homeless or low-income struggling families, many who I have gotten to know.  However, there were also others, like Father’s with their children who’s dress did not match the others in line and their children were huddling close to their father looking around with scared eyes and you could tell it was their first time in a food line.  I helped carry food boxes out to the car of a well-dressed mom and her teenage daughter who I could tell was so embarrassed to be there.  When I got to their car it was not a 2002 model car with 280k miles on it.  It was a 2018  Suburban loaded, and there were two other younger well-dressed children sitting in the leather seats watching a movie waiting for their mom.  I prayed with the mom and daughter at their car and tears were running down the mother’s face when I finished.  She broke social norms now and reached out and hugged me. I did not ask what her situation was, but  ”Now things are getting real” for this family as well.  And all throughout the evening I could pick out the increase in first-time, middle-class families going through the food and meal line for whom as well, “Now things are getting real.”

“Now things are getting real” for Christians and loving their neighbors.  All who helped serve meals last night like myself wore gloves, did not shake hands or hug people, and washed our hands when we took off our gloves or they tore before putting on a new pair.   We only let 10 people in the building at a time to help keep a safe distance between people.  I ended up volunteering for 8 ½ hours yesterday, some did more, some less.   I washed my hands good before I left Manna House, showered when I got home , and drank a packet of “EmergenC.”  Yet all of us who served increased our chances of being exposed to the coronavirus and “Now things are getting real” in loving are neighbors in need.  But it we stopped, 400 people, that mom and her daughter, dad and his children would have not received food and hope last night.  

My family, I pray over you who for you personally “Now things are getting real.”  I pray you will also pray and reflect on ways you can be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ during this time of need in real ways to your neighbors, in Jesus’ name.  Please pray the same for me.  God bless you my friends!

Please share your thoughts and reflections with us in the comments box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

I would appreciate your prayer and also any support for support myself as we reach our neighbors with the gospel through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.  Thank You!

